Health Information Management
Central Montana Medical Center
Phone: (406) 535-6247
408 Wendell Ave
Lewistown, MT 59457
Location: NH Rooms 118 & 119
Fax: (406) 535-4696
Medical Records Release Form
You can request a copy of your health records be sent to a specific facility or for yourself by submitting a completed authorization. Below you will find the form and FAQs about medical records.
Do you want your healthcare team to be able to talk to a family member or personal representative about your health information or billing needs? Submit the Verbal Consent form to CMMC. This consent will be valid for one year, unless changed or revoked by you.
You must fill out and sign an authorization form, linked above, show photo ID and pay the charge for copying. Copies may be sent directly to other health care providers at no cost. Please allow 5 to 10 business days for your request to be processed. We may require longer time if a large number or older records are requested. We prioritize requests that are needed for continuity of care. Obtaining a copy of your medical record requires a $10 fee to retrieve the records and $0.50 per page. However, we will send copies directly to other health care providers at no cost. The record includes any reports on the results of X-rays, ultrasounds, CT scans and MRIs, but a copy of the actual images on a CD must be specified. If these are requested by a health care provider, there is no charge. However, a personal copy requested by the patient has a $5 charge per CD. The authorization form can be faxed, mailed, or emailed, but we do require a copy of photo ID. If the patient does not furnish us with photo ID, they can do so when they come in to pick up their records. Fax, email, or mail the authorization form, along with a copy of photo ID. Yes. There is no charge to simply look at your record in our office. You can also access your records through Patient Connect. No. To protect the confidentiality of your information, we need to verify identity. In addition, we are not clinical personnel and cannot explain test results or other information. We can only fax medical information to a health care provider’s office upon request. Yes, a copy of your records can be sent at no cost to another doctor or health care provider. Physicians who are caring for the patient and request records from us do not need an authorization form. They may call or fax their request. We consider this follow-up patient care. You can have information added to make your record to make it more complete or accurate. This is called the “right to amend” your record. In certain cases, your provider can deny this request; in that situation, you have the right to add a short statement of your own to the record. Only if your spouse has an active power of attorney in effect, and only for the records relevant to making decisions on your care. If there is not an active power of attorney, your spouse cannot access your records. Spouse: You may only access your spouse’s records with an active power of attorney for his or her medical care. Child: A parent may usually access his or her minor child’s (under 18) records. However, there are certain cases in which this may not be permitted, such as if a health care provider reasonably believes there may be child neglect or abuse, or for certain types of medical treatment such as STD (sexually transmitted disease) testing. A person under 18 who is married is considered emancipated, and a parent may not access his or her medical records. No. Once children reach the age of 18, they must sign their own release to give consent for a parent to access their medical records. If you are the personal representative of the deceased person’s estate (such as executor or administrator), you have the right to get that person’s records from a health care provider. However, if there is no personal representative, those records may be accessed by the following in the order listed: Understand your rights under HIPAA to access and receive a copy of your health information: Records of alcohol and drug treatment may be subject to additional privacy rules:
How can I get copies of my medical records?
How long will it take to get a copy of my medical records?
What does it cost?
Does my record include X-rays and other imaging?
Do I need to come into the office to request my records?
What if I live out of the area?
Can I ask to look at or read my medical records?
Can you give me my medical information over the phone?
Can you fax my medical information
Can you send a copy of my records to another health care provider?
Can I make a change on my medical records if I think something is wrong?
Can my spouse get my medical records?
Can I get my spouse's or child's medical records?
Can a parent sign an authorization form for a patient who is 18?
How can I get a deceased person's records?
Where can I get more information about my medical records and privacy rights?