Click here for Financial Assistance Program Brochure

Click here for Charity Care Policy

Free and Discounted Care Guidelines

Financial Assistance is available to those who qualify, with gross household incomes up to 400% of the Federal Poverty Levels, as shown below:

Click for ASPE poverty guidelines


Click here for Financial Assistance Application

The staff at Central Montana medical Center (CMMC) is trained to assist you in collecting any benefits due and to help you to apply for any charitable or public assistance programs available. We encourage you to contact one of our Patient Representatives with your questions regarding payment for your hospital visit.

There can be many different services associated with a hospital/nursing home visit. CMMC will charge for Hospital and Clinic Services, CMMC Ambulance, Anesthesia Services and Emergency Room Physician; all other chargeable services will be billed to you by the provider of the service. You may receive bills from other ambulance services for transportation, radiologists for x-ray interpretations, pathologist for laboratory tests, and other physicians or professionals based on the combination of services you were provided.

CMMC will submit complete insurance claims for recorded charges on the appropriate forms to any health insurance carriers for which we have completed information and your authorizing signatures.

Please note that each insurance carrier receives a complete billing and pays according to the applicable benefit plan for your coverage. Questions concerning hospital insurance benefits should be directed to your insurance carrier.

Since insurance is a contract between you and your insurance company, CMMC is only acting as your billing agent and cannot pursue payment from your insurance carrier(s) in the event of non-payment or benefit denial.

If your insurance carrier(s) has not submitted payment within 45 days of our billing, we expect you to pay the balance in full.

You will receive a monthly statement showing any activity on your account and the remaining balance due. All patients are expected to pay any balance not paid by insurance within 30 days of billing unless specific payment arrangements have been made with the Patients Accounts Representative or the Business Office Manager.

Please contact one of our Patient Representatives for assistance with any of your questions.

Business Office Hours:
Monday through Friday
8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Patient Accounts:

406-538-3760 or 1-833-770-3700